Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 5

woke up this morning and felt pretty good, lingering cramps-no headache. cheese, boiled egg and turkey bacon for breakfast and I was fine with just decaf tea and H2O until lunch which was a green salad with grilled chicken. Bella's fever was gone this AM so she went off to school. There was a minor scuffle over the way I put up her hair. Spoke to Scott a little bit ago and he had called in sick to work for tonight due to back issues. He went to the chiropractor this AM so hopefully he is feeling better. Steak and salad for dinner tonight. Last night went pretty well also, Bella refused to eat the meat balls because they had onion in them but I thought they were pretty good. She was told no snack and didn't ask for one. She took a bubble bath, I read to her and she went to bed and to sleep with no problems. Our dog Lady was throwing up last night-GROSS! hopefully she is better today. The weekend looms ahead. We have no real plan except to get the first communion banner done and hopefully some major cleaning and invitations. I have contracts to review so back to work obese girl out

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