Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This working out is kicking my ass

Well I got up and did taebo again today, but unlike yesterday I am hurting-WHY OH WHY DID I EVER LET MYSELF GET SO OUT OF SHAPE? My plan is to get up and do it again tomorrow. I will watch biggest loser tonight and work on a scrapbook project at the same time. I need to run to target tonight to get a gift card and to Michaels for a new embossing pad.

Scott took some of our recently processed photos to work to show his co-workers. This batch of photos included some from on the waterfront, the apple orchard, the corn maze the mill etc. One of the comments Scott received was that we sure spoil Isabella by taking her all those places. I guess I don't see that as spoiling more as expanding her horizons. I think all those places are a chance to learn and grow and we do those outings as a family. One of the other comments Scott received is poor dog. This was because we made our dog wear a Halloween costume. We did not hurt her by any means, she did not wear it all that long and while she did not like the hat she did not mind the rest of the costume-plus she was cute-Don't you agree?

Lets hope that tonight the cat manages to stay in the house. Last night our black cat got out and ran around our neighborhood for awhile. I was beginning to think she was lost forever but we managed to herd her back in.

Obese girl out

1 comment:

littlesis said...

One day at a time!! One work out at a time!! Keep working at it!!