Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 4

Well today is the 4th day in a row I have worked out. I did my 4th TaeBo tape and it obviously takes more than 3 days to get into the grove of these tapes, my intent it to keep going. I am amazed at how much fat I am carring around on my midsection, which I understand is a bad place to carry extra fat for health reasons. Last night I had such a potatoe chip craving!!! But we had no chips and Bella was in bed so I couldn't leave and go get some either. I had a snack pack of microwave popcorn but it really did nothing for the craving. I hear people talk about a sugar fog but I don't think that is my particular problem. I have a "chip fog", I don't know exactly what the attraction is either-fat?, salt? crunchy? I am concerned about the amount of sodium I consume and believe I would be healthier if I cut down.

I was very tired last night as I watched the CMA show. Bella was begging to stay up longer to see Taylor Swift and then Jason Aldeen. We worked on painting our lighthouse picture frames white during TV time.

Today was Mary's last day in our department. She is getting Married on Saturday and Andrea will be back full time on Monday. She liked the little scrapbook that I made for her.

Yesterday they put in a new garage door on my side of the garage and left a mysterious puddle mark on our driveway. Scott and I still need to discuss the window situation.

I am yawning again at work today, just wishing to go home and take a nap, but I have work to do.

Monday while Bella was off from School she was home all day with Scott and when I got home she said "mom I made $23 today" I am trying to figue out what kind of job she had or did that would net her $23 dollars only to find out that she MADE $23 dollars as in engaging in counterfeit money operations-no special printer needed, just paper and markers-who knew?

Bella is also has completed day 2 of her 7 day quest to receive her black boots back after I confiscated them after she left them in the middle of the living room. I am surprised she has done as well as she has at not complaining about what is for dinner.

Thats all for now-Obese girl out

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