Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Well it is one of those days when I could just put my head down and take a nap. It is my own fault I guess as I am the one who stayed up past midnight working on a scrapbooking project and then got up a little befoe 5:00 am to do Taebo-go me, third day in a row. I did a different tape and I don't remember ever doing this particular tape-too many push ups. Tomorrow I will do another different tape and then I will circle back to the first one.

Last night while woring on the scrapbooking project (which I completed by the way) I was watching the biggest loser. In some ways I think the elimintaion should always be just who is below the line and no voting. I am a little sad to see Dan and Shay go but they were certainly big threats to some of the other players. I don't like Liz and I don't like Amanda, so I guess I am rooting for either Rebecca or Danny-not sure about Rudy. It seems as if Shay is doing well at home from her appearance on the Jay Leno show.

Bella once again "forgot" her report card, but her classroom was open when I picked her up from Ycare so I dug it out of her desk. It was very good academically, but she had mostly minuses in the behavioral area, but only one brief comment from the teacher so I am not sure what is going on as she gets the reward "buzz bucks" and the jolly ranchers. I will need to email the teacher to find out more. She has been better at home and i think we have worked out a way for her to earn back her black boots.

We have no big plans for tonight but to watch the CMA awards and I plan on working on painting some light house picture frames I plan on putting on the tree this year. Scott called me a little while ago and said that the garage door people were there, so hopefully they have the garage door fixed and I will be able to get my side cleaned out so I can park in there and none too soon as there was a nice layer of frost on my car windows this morning.

I am trying to watch what I eat a little more these days. I have been having oatmeal for breakfast and leftovers for lunch so at least i am not buying anything.

I have been reading today articles and comments related to Sesame Street turning 40. I can't believe people are asking is Bert and Ernie are gay-they are muppets for goodness sake and who cares if cookie monster lives on a diet of cookies and Elmo's grammer is not the greatest and why can't Sesame street adress topics such as HIV and death. Its a kids show, kids learn from it and are entertained by it and we need to stop looking at the show throught the fuddy duddy eyes of grown ups!

Since I am not getting a nap I guess i had better get back to work.

Obese girl out

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