Thursday, November 5, 2009

Metcha Day

Six years ago on the afternoon of November 5th Scott and I were driven out of Kiev to meet a little 14 month old girl at the Boyarka Baby house. We were accompanied by our faciliator Lana, our interpreter Sasha and our driver, Igor. The brick building we entered was chilly and dark, but clean. we waited in the lobby and then were invited upstairs where we traveled down a shadowy hallway to the directors office. We were seated and the director started going over the file for our little girl. Then before you knew what was happening she was brought in. She was wearing a red turtleneck and gold cordoroy overalls. She had the cutest curls? Lana took her and spoke to her in Russian. Then she was handed over to me and I soon after gave her to Scott, she did not cry, but just looked around. They asked us if we had any questions and I asked if she could walk and they said "put her down" so we did and off she toddled. She had her eye on that piece of red string under the directors desk. Our pediatrician had stated that we wanted to look at the child to see if she was proportionate, head not bigger than body or vice versa, our pediatrician said to watch for eye contact and we had that and since she spotted the red ribbon we knew she could see and she responded when spoken to, so we knew she could hear. All too soon they came and took her away. Then we were asked "Do you like her?, do you want her?" We were not allowed to discuss it between us at all and I felt a little like we had just test drove a car and not met the child destined to be our daughter, and our daughter she is, she was then and is now, six years later, how did time go by so quickly? We did not take any photos that first day but here is a picture taken the second day we visited with Bella at the orphanage.

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