Friday, May 2, 2008


It is Friday and I am so sleepy today.

Yesterday was another day of misbehavior for our princess. She had one smiley face and two sad faces on her note so again no TV. Last night was our first night of T-ball practice. It went really well but it sure tired me out!

Today both bosses are out so I have been working on scanning contracts-very boring work, but someone has to do it and I am way behind in this task.

I did get up and exercise this morning too and I stayed up to watch ER last night so all of that is probably contributing to my sleepyness.

Tomorrow I am going to go to an all day scrap book event and yesterday my SIL sent a few pictures from our trip to Branson so I should be able to finish the vacation book tomorrow. I also plan on taking some other randum pages to work on.

No other real plans for the weekend so we will just see what happens.

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