Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Last night Bella pulled a bag of groceries off the table along with the table cloth, candle holders and the cups and saucers to my hand painted tea set from Greece. The cups survived but the saucers didn't. I was quite upset. I saved all the pieces to put into a stepping stone. Thankfully the Tea pot was not on the table.

I know I have not blogged much lately. I guess I don't feel like putting myself out there right now as I am not doing very well emotionally and as a result of that I am not doing well with the diet either. I am hoping to find a way to turn this around but it hasn't happened yet.

Bella is finishing up her first year of school and will go to camp for the summer. Most of our Seattle vacation is set. My job is good, but a little boring, despite the excitement of having very rare triplets born at our hospital last week. weekends have been ok, the house is relatively clean. We watched the Rockford Marathon run past our house a couple of weekends ago and the parade last Saturday. We have been to the museum for the petting zoo event and to Klehm for a walk. Last weekend we attended a 50th wedding anniversary party for Scott's aunt and uncle. We had Scott's mom and her husband over on Memorial day for a cook out and I planted my window boxes. Not only amy I dealing with some minor physical ailment but I am so pathetic that the only people I had to spend a holiday with is Scott's mom and her husband who I don't like.

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