Friday, September 7, 2007


Shopping is a love hate thing for me. I like to shop and I do a lot of shopping without buying things. I look a lot at scrapbook supplies, fabric, home decor and cute stuff for Bella. Scott will tell you one of my favorite stores is Michaels or Old Time Pottery, but I also like Tuesday morning, Gordmans, TJ Max, Marshalls, JoAnns Fabrics, Burlington Coat Factory, Bed, Bath and Beyond and Cost Plus, but I hardly ever get to go to these places. It is usually just the grocery store or Wal-Mart and seldom do I go anywhere without my munchkin in tow. A whole day just looking at these stores and maybe going out to lunch, spending time with just me or even a true friend like L. would be terrific. I did get a gift card for Michaels from my husband for my birthday. The kind of shopping I don't like is shopping for clothes for me! It is actually painful. Right before the wedding we went to in August I went out shopping for something to wear because my cute black cocktail dress I bought for my friend Teri's wedding can no longer be zipped up and the red dress I bought for Jennifer's wedding was too tight. I could have probably worn it, some people don't mind wearing something that is so tight that all their bulges, ripples and rolls are visible but I do mind. Bella and I headed out to Kohls to look for a skirt or dress. I tried on a lot of things, I think we made 8 trips to the dressing room. Bella was so good about going back and forth, although she kept asking about going to look at toys. It was not that I could not find something that fit, I could and mind you I was shopping the clearance racks, but I could not find anything that fit and looked good, foolish of me to think I could get both Huh? I found a skirt but then could not find a shirt. Then I found a shirt I liked but couldn't find a skirt. I was frustrating and time consuming. I finally settled on a print skirt in a size 18 that was somewhat loose at the waist but I needed that size to her over my huge butt, large hips and gigantic stomach. I bought a plain black knit shirt to go with it. It fit but it didn't look great because of all the bumps I have. A huge bump, or bumps that are my breasts and then an indentation for my waist and then another roll for the things I identified above. I also found a pair of Capri pants with a matching shirt and then a graphic knit shirt and a denim skort. So I bought 3 outfits total off the clearance racks in a shopping expedition that lasted hours. I paid with the 2 gift cards I had been carrying around in my wallet for months and ended up with 50 cents. I hate shopping for clothes for me! I would have probably given up but I knew I had nothing to wear to the wedding and I certainly could not go naked! Shopping for clothes for me means stripping down to my underwear in front of full length mirrors. Yuk! I do not know how women bigger than I am buy anything and forget getting anything attractive because once you get past size 16 manufacturers some how think that larger women want to wear the ugliest prints/colors on the planet. I know that when you are larger the primary goal is just to cover up but do I have to do it with such ugly stuff. Why can't they use similar designs and colors that they use in smaller garments?

Finally that same night I bought a pair of black panty hose to wear to the wedding as well. I don't feel really comfortable wearing a dress or skirt without hose, I know some people do but I don't. Who invented these torturous things? I got them on my feet with some major contortions as I need to bend over all the fat to get to my feet, they slid over my calfs and past my knees OK but then the problems started. The circumference of my thighs, whatever that might be was apparently larger that the stretch of these panty hose. I tugged and tugged and struggled and struggled, much to the amusement of my husband who did finally help me somehow lurch the top of those things over my fat fanny and up to my waist, however I was still left with a roll of extra panty hose mid thigh that was cutting off my circulation. I got them on and that is all I can say. Queen size my queen sized butt! I definitely did not feel like a queen, I felt more like a sausage. Despite all that we did make it to the wedding and the reception and had a great time. I definitely need to lose some weight if I am going to wear panty hose again. Darn things! Now you all know why I wear slacks to work, How they look and feel will have to be the subject of another post or maybe a post about putting on a bathing suit TEE HEE!

Speaking of shopping we went to Woodman's grocery shopping on Monday and for the first time we let Bella walk with us instead of ride in the cart she did really well. In the soup aisle I had put 4 cans of goldfish noodle soup in the cart and then Bella put in four more. I asked her what she was doing and she said " like this Kind" and she does as it seems to be her bed time snack of choice-an entire can of soup-What a silly girl. I let her have it as there are obviously worse things she could ask for and I don't want to send her to bed hungry. She has always been a soup girl although she seems to now eat the bits of chicken in the soup she use to eat the soup and then at the end spit out an entire mouthful of chicken, how she separated the chicken out and stored it in her mouth I will never know but as she use to say "I don't like Chicken".

For the record I did get up and did the 1 mile/15 min walk this morning and last night I did 25 sit ups-Bella counted for me and then she did 8. I also mopped both the living room and dinning room floors and they look nice so that always makes me feel better. I forgot my vitamin this morning.

The folks who installed our thermostat came yesterday to check out the error message on the thermostat but their manual did not tell them what error 90 meant so they had to call the company and they came back this morning and I think they are going to install a new unit. We will see. Work yesterday was frustrating as I was having system issues and a certain regulatory agency showed up to do an investigation on something that happened last week which made people really cranky. Today I will be loading more documents into our contract data base providing the computer system is working OK.

Thanks to L and T who sent me very nice emails in response to this site. I love you guys and glad you are my friends!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I know exactly what you mean when you are talking about. I love to shop by not try on or buying clothes for me.Some of it is spending the money on me and the rest is having to buy a size that I don't want to have to admit I need.
GOOD JOB!! - getting up and working out. You are off to a start. I still need to figure out what my relationship with food is. It doesn't make me feel better more likely it makes me feel worse. I have read the great way to loose weight is to only eat what you need to not be hungry but it has been imposible for me so far. I don't remember the last time I ate because I was hungry. Yes, I am keeping an eye on you.