Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's day

Yesterday was Mother's day. I am ever so thankful for the munchkin in our lives that allows me to be celebrated on this day. Bella made me a hand colored laminated butterfly with magnets on it. Scott gave me flowers and cards and we went out to lunch at Applebees, we even had dessert. After Scott went to work Bella and I went to the Rotary gardens, they were amazingly beautiful and such a gorgeous day. Bella also entertained with cart wheels and head stands. On the way home we stopped at Culvers for lemon ice coolers and then on home. At home we picked up Lady and headed to the forest preserve.

In years past when Scott had to work on Mother's day we tried to squeeze in lunch with his mom, but not this year. Scott and Bella sent cards and Scott talked to her in the morning but that was it.

My MIL sent me a card and signed it mom-I did not really appreciate this. My mother is dead.

Things between my MIL and I are strained at best and utterly destroyed at worse. You pick. I just know I don't care to speak to her or see her or have Bella see her for that matter. According to her I am a liar, with a problem and I yell at her.

Friday she stopped by the house and left a couple of books for Bella and a pile of old papers for Scott. I am glad we were not home.

I would be remiss if I were to say that Mother's day came and went without me thinking about my own mother who has now been gone for 2 Mother's days. I am guessing the rest of my siblings thought about her too.

I weighed in this AM at 221.5. Even with extra walking I am not shedding pounds, but continue to feel the need to. I was interesed in reading the book "The End to Overeating" but despite the card catalog stating the book was on the shelf for weeks now it is not and I even had the librarian look too. I am reading stop stuffing yourself which is a WW book. We will see.

I have a lot of housework to do tonight-FUN
obese girl out

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