Monday, May 18, 2009

The two crabbiest people on the planet!

Well I just happen to live with the two crabbiest people on the planet who in turn make me the third most crabby person on the planet. Well as a family who has had a diet too heavy in crabby patties lately-here was our weekend.

Friday night was the end of the school year bash, art fair, ice cream social at Bella's school. After our spagetti supper we headed over to the school with Bella's friend Angela. It was nice to see all the kids art work. I took a couple of pictures of Bella with her art work for scrapbooking later.

Saturday, we had reservations for the Canyons and waterfall tour at Starved Rock State Park. I was up early and and performed my chef duties by making each member of our family a different breakfast. I had oatmeal, Bella had pancakes and I made Scott eggs and hashbrowns. we got on the road after much complaining, consulting, running around, packing, searching for shoes etc. We made it there in plenty of time and went to the visitor center which was a lot of steps-down was not bad, back up was a huffing and puffing feat on my part that had a backgroud phrase from the "Little Engine that Could" -I think I can, I think I can. For someone like myself who loves to be outside in nature I was really kicking myself for letting me get so fat and out of shape. Our tour package included a buffet lunch, most choices not the healthies and honestly when faced with these kinds of choices I make poor ones. The tour was fun-we saw three waterfalls and being outside was wonderful. I think crabby and crabby Jr. had fun too at least until the camera was dropped in the waterfall and ceased working, of course that was my fault.

We drove home and stopped and got a pizza at Pappa Murphy's. Incidently we took Scott's car because my radio is still locked and it looks like we will be paying Saturn too much $$$ to get it unlocked.

While we ate pizza we watched the Tale of Desperaux.

Sunday we were up really early to get on the road to head to WI for my niece and nephews confirmation. The four of us made it in plenty of time (we had to take the puppy with us, because that would have been too long of a time for her to be alone at home without a potty break). The confirmation was nice and my sister made a very nice lunch. we stopped at Taco Bell coming in to town and got supper.

The weekend was not good diet or exercise wise.

Last evening after the munchkin was in bed, I paid bills, did the laundry, loaded and ran the dish washer, made a grocery list, swept the floors and read a magazine. I know my husband wanted me to come to bed with him, but I was just not up for it.

tonight I plan on doing the grocery shopping, printing pictures and cleaning. Sounds exciting.


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