Thursday, September 11, 2008


20 years ago yesterday I swore in as a Peace Corps volunteer on the beach at sunset in Libreville, Gabon. I had been preparing for months for this day, first with weeks of fisheries training in Georgetown, SC then some French & Motorcycle training in Bukavu Zaire and then some additional training in Gabon. If you are like most people you hav no idea where Gabon is, It is on the west coast of Aftica, just below the hump and is bisected by the equator. This year the show survivor show will take place in Gabon so I am sure many more people will learn about the place I spent 2 very influencial years of my life. In actuallity I may have prepared for this day most of my life. My mom still likes to tell people that I use to say when I was little that when I got big I was going to go to Africa & I did. I learned a lot those two years doing "the toughest job you'll ever love". I hope my friends and fish farmers back in Lebamba, Gabon learned something from me.

Today-is September 11th. Today there will be may rememberance in the US on the 7th anniversary of the attach of our country and the loss of so many lives. Today my niece Stephanie will celebrate her 15th birthday. Today our friends the DeAtleys will celebrate their 5th Gotcha day. Time passes quickly.

Last night when we got home I opened the front door wide and the door hit Bellas books which then pushed into my Egyptian vase and knocked it to the floor. It did not break. I would have been heart broken if it had.

Scott and I also had an argument last night in which he told me to leave. Part of me really wants to do just that. I told you I was a bad wife and Bella did not have a good day at school again and she was rude and sassy at grandmas last night therefore proving once again that I am a bad mother.

My brother called me this morning about 6:30 to tell me they had taken my mom to the hospital. She has pneumonia and is on bi-pap. She is in the hospital in Dodgeville. I can go up on Saturday but maybe I should go tomorrow.

Finally I went to Bible Study at Heartland on Tuesday. I have never done a bible study before so this was all a new experience for me. I was nervous. I guess it was ok. It seems a little complicated. We are doing the Beth Moore study of Daniel. I have homework to get to and I have a prayer card for one of the ladies in my group. I have not even looked at it. This will be a challenge for me since I do not believe in prayer.

Why do things have to be so hard? and the worse part is I know it could get worse.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment. I don't get many comments, so that was nice! Sorry to hear you're having a hard time. That Beth Moore study is challenging, but great. You'll learn so much! Hope it goes well for you.