Thursday, September 18, 2008



They offer a weight watchers at work program at the health system where I work. I have been reluctant to join because I have felt in the past that it was a waste of money to pay for something I could do myself. Well it turns out I can't do it myself. Last Monday I signed up. The group meets each Monday at noon in one of the meeting rooms off the cafeteria. I am nervous! I am afraid I can't do it. I am afraid my husband won't help me. I am afraid I will surrender to my chip urge. I am afraid I'll miss out on some fun stuff and the list could go on and on. I need to lose weight there is no doubt about it, I want to be successful. I want to be healthier, I want my cholesterol to go down. I want to find clothes that fit. I want to be attractive and sexy. Oh if only I can find the strength to help myself.


Since I have Bible study on Tuesday nights and Scott works we taped The Biggest Loser premier and I watched it last night. First off I have always loved these shown and nothing makes me more hopeful than when I see female contestents lose weight off their chests. I really hate being this big chested.

A couple of things bother me about this show. Why cant everyone just weigh in wearing a t-shirt? The men take theirs off and the women have to wear those unattractive bra tops. Secondly I hate it when the show shows you a scene and then goes to commercial and when they come back from commercial they back track and show you the scene over again.

I thought the body progression portions with the MD were interesting. I hate to think about what mine might be like. However I am not sure how accurate those might be. I don't really have a favorite team but I did suspect that the green team would be the first to go because they seemed overy confident. I sure hope that Tom and Tom (LT) play the game well and work to get some weight off & for LT to quit smoking. Do they help contestents with smoking cessation?

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