Thursday, October 4, 2007



Just a quick update. First of all the scale on Monday morning was less than friendly with a 213 reading. I think I am going up rather than down. I have gotten up the last 4 mornings in a row and exercised for an hour. I have been experimenting with a new breakfast routine that includes protein, dairy, whole wheat and fruit. I'm trying to cover all the bases when getting my start to the morning. I have also been packing fruit, yogurt, string cheese and shredded wheat for snacks. We had a birthday this week at work and I did indulge in a piece of pie. I cannot seem to get 8-8oz glasses of water in each day I am falling really short. I do drink decaf tea during the day so I think that may count. We tried a new fish recipe this week and it was really good so I am sure we will try that again. As for sleep I am trying to get to bed a little earlier so I am ok to get up by 5:30 to exercise. I have also been trying to take the stairs more at work. Hopefully my efforts will pay off. I am back to recording everything on my daily tally sheet too.

In other news. The guy we have working on the house is about done. I will be glad when the upstairs bathroom is done because I want to take a bubble bath.

We had parent conferences on Monday. We met with Bella's teacher and according to her report there are quite a few areas she needs to improve on however the teacher did not give us any suggestions to help her. She simply stated that Bella needed to learn to make better choices.

This weekend is the Regatta in Rockford and my niece's rowing team is competing so I am expecting my sister Sonya to be here Saturday and my brother Mark to come down on Sunday.

Last Saturday Bella and I went to Wisconsin for the day and boy were we busy. We stopped in Janesville at the Rotary Gardens, then had lunch at Pizza Hut in Dodgeville before heading to the nursing home to seem my mom. We visited with her for a couple of hours and then drove to Madison and visited Olbrecht Gardens-it was absolutely gorgeous. After the garden we stopped by my friend L's house. As usual it was great to see her! She is always a great boost to my ego and makes me feel so much more positive about things. I really love you L! Thanks for being my friend. We did not get home until very late! on Sunday morning we went to breakfast with D & C. The bears lose the Packers win!

My dad called early Sunday Morning to tell me that my mom had been taken to the hospital by ambulance as they thought she may have a clot in her arm. It wasn't thankfully but I guess they will be moving her to dialysis 5 days per week. My aunt N called on Sunday evening to ask how mom was. She is so nosey and irritating. It there was something for her to know someone would have called her!

That's about it for today!

God Bless.

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