Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Wow it has been over a week since I posted here. This morning I weighed 211 which is down from 213.5 that I was a few weeks back. I have consistently exercised every morning for 16 days straight. I am still working on my goal of working everyday for the month of October with my reward being a new pair of workout shoes. I am pretty happy about my progress. I still am not drinking enough water and still eat somethings I probably shouldn't like pop corn at the movies but over all things are better. For example Bella and I went to the Hospital sponsored fall festival on Saturday and then afterwards we stopped and did some shopping. Since it was around dinner time when we got done I would have normally stopped and had supper somewhere but in the interest of my diet and my budget we went home.

My mom has been in the hospital recently so we made a trip to Madison to see her and then did a quick tour of the zoo. My sister came down for the regatta on Saturday and we had fajitas and margaritas for dinner. On Sunday my niece S participated int he Regatta and her team came in 8Th of 17. My brother Mark came down too and he stayed for supper. I had made beef stew in the crock pot. Bella said I did a good job and had a second serving as her bed time snack.

This past weekend we had plans to go to the pumpkin patch with friends but it rained so we just got together for chili and talked and watched the football game. The Bears lose-The Packers win! That is a good Sunday of Football.

This week I will be making Bella's Halloween costume-Wish me luck.

Today is bosses day but we had a pot luck yesterday as my boss is out of the office today. It was all good.

Today we are also having someone come to hopefully install the garage door opener on the second garage so both Scott and I can park inside.

Take care and have a great day!

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