Friday, October 30, 2009

Looks can be deceiving

This morning I was surprised at how warm it is outside. It is still dark when we get up in the morning and I think it had rained most of the night and the wind blew as well so that more leaves have fallen and you can hardly tell I raked. It looks dark and dreary and cold but it wasn't cold but rather warm and the forcast is for drier weather for the weekend.

last night I finished Bella's bat costume and I think it turned out really cute. I did not finish Scott's costume or get my milk jug skeleton done and tonight we are going to trunk or treat at the hospital and then we have to carve our pumpkins and I have to pack the care with cleaning and repair supplies to head to Dville tomorrow morning.

Last night I went to let the dog out and it was raining so she was hesitating at the open door and while she was doing that the cat streaked out the door. In the rain and darkness I could not find our black cat, nor could I find a working flash light. Now the dog decides to go out in the rain and I am out there in the rain calling ISIS, Here kitty, Kitty like a lunatic and Bella is in the house bawling her head off because we have lost the cat. I finally went in and left the front door to the porch open and thankfully she came back, and she was drier than either the dog or myself so I don't know where she had been hiding.

Back at work today. I guess our AA is driving our other paralegal nuts too! oh and they canceled the bosses day potluck we had scheduled for today and rescheduled it for Monday but left me off the email-great!

Here is hoping that you all have a great Halloween weekend.

obese girl out.

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