Thursday, October 23, 2008


I felt I needed to put an update on here. Since my last post my mom has passed away. We are past the visitation and funeral and my dad called last night to tell me that the burial is scheduled for November 1st at 9:30 am. I would like to say I don't know what I am feeling but that would not be true as I know all of what I am feeling and it is sad and hurtful and disappointed and alone and mad and a million other emotions all at the same time. I will sort them out and I am working on a tribute post for here about my mom.

I do have to say that my co-workers in the Legal suite I work at have been wonderfully supportive as well as generous and kind. I am thankful to work where I do. some of my friends and even my husband have lacked the compassion I felt should have been extended to me at this time. I am answering lots of questions for my daughter and avoiding dealing with my MIL as I feel she wants to steal my grief and make it her own. This is difficult for me as I know how my MIL reacted when her mother died. My friend Pat really stepped up for me as I stayed at her house a couple of nights and then she came to both my mom's visitation and to the funeral.

Unexpected support also arrived from my bible study group who I have only known for 6 weeks.

I attended my WW meeting on Monday and was down 1.8 pounds which is great considering this was not a great diet time and we went to Famous Dave's for supper on the way home from the funeral.

I am back at work and I have a big project to keep me busy.

Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins we were suppose to go with friends but they canceled on us and I have to admit my feelings were hurt. We will probably carve then this coming Monday as that is the last day Scott is off until Halloween.

Bella's first few days back at school were difficult but I am not sure if it was because she is still processing her grandmothers death or if it is because she had been in school only 2 days the previous week. I think she has settled back down.

check back for more soon.

1 comment:

kjsd said...

Joan--we are thinking about you and your family. We are so sorry for your loss. Your mom is your mom and of course you miss her. I hope you can take time for you. Grieving is hard. Bible study groups are usually great--I'm glad you found support there. ~Kammi