Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Last week Bella's folder from school had a note in it that the teacher had asked me to speak to her about Bella's test. I stopped in the classroom the other night to ask Mrs. Berg about this. She pulled out Bella's reading paper and on the top of the second page where you are suppose to write your name Bella had written SEX. The teacher asked her if she knew what that meant and she said no and the teacher told her that was not a word she should write on her school paper. I asked Bella why she wrote that and she said she did not know. I explained to her that we should only write what the teacher asks us to write on our reading papers. I asked her where she saw this word and she said on TV.

Now to my knowledge this is not a word we have used in front of Bella, nor have we spelled it, heck there isn't even any of that going on at our house at this time. Do I believe she could have seent he word on TV? Yes, afterall this year had quite a bit of advertising for a movie called "SEX IN THE CITY".

Well last night I took Bella to the Immediate care to make sure she did not have strep throat or an ear infection (which she doesn't) and she was watching the receptionist register us on her computer and lo and behold there was that three letter word SEX right there on her computer screen. I then had to explaine that this was used as a question related to patients where they simply want to know if you are a girl or a boy and that this was acceptable. boy this parenting is sometimes very hard!

I do worry about vocabulary sometimes since Bella is on the playground with kids up to 5th grade and in Y-care with kids up to 5th grade and she has older girls (maybe age 11) in her tumbleing class and older cousins. The chance of her picking up some vocabulary that may be inappropriate for a 6 year old is probably pretty high.


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