Thursday, November 1, 2007


On October first I vowed to do my Billy Blanks Tae Bo workout everyday for the month of October. I did great! Except yesterday I overslept and was only able to do 30 min of the tape. My reward for exercising everyday in October was a new pair of exercise shoes however since I missed part of my workout yesterday I guess that will have to be my reward for November. I did get up this morning to work out and I switched tapes.

I like Tae Bo. Prior to adopting our precious Isabella, Scott and I both went regularly to a kick boxing class. It is good to work out frustrations. I like the workout but it is hard. After doing it for a month I have the following Comments: 1.) Whenever Billy looks at the camera and says "are you ready" I always say "no". 2.)I am not sure about those shinny work out pants her wears. 3.) Billy is a rotten cue-er (sp?)-if you say one more set that means one more set not 3 more. 4.) Billy's daughter Shelly is front and center and does a lot of the counting of reps-she is very skinny, blond and white, She is actually Billy's step daughter. 5.) some of the folks exercising on this tape are annoying and the guy in the wheel chair is just distracting. 6.) I hate the 25 sit ups at the end but like how Billy says "look at you, not that long ago you couldn't even get off the couch". 7. I have poor balance. 8.) According to Billy you never have to go to the floor to get great abs. 9.) I can only lift my knee so high before it bumps into that big roll of fat I have around my middle. 10.) I don't do jumping jacks because none of the bras I have are industrial strength enough to keep the ladies from bouncing all over the place.

After I have been doing the new tape for awhile I will let you know how that is going.

As for weight I only lost about 3 pounds in October which probably means I am still "over fed". I try to do well, but when I am stressed I really turn to food.


Last night after supper the three of us put on our costumes and one jack-0-lantern, one Cat-in-the-hat and one very cute mermaid went down our street and up the other side trick-or-treating. Last year Bella got a few things in her bag and was ready to go home and see what she had, this year she was out to get candy! We have a lot of elderly people on our block, many of them wanted to know if we lived on the street we are like yes, down at the end-we have lived here about 18 months. A lot of people on our street have cats and/or dogs and every house we went to once the Halloween formality was over Bella would say "can I see your dog" or "can I pet your cat" She got quite a bag of stuff considering we didn't go that far. I will try and post photos soon. We lit our jack-o-lanterns when we got home and Bella and Scott spent the rest of the evening handing out candy. We did not really have that many trick-or-treaters however as I only had 36 little bags of M & M and we still had some left over. Incidentaly Bella had a dentist appointment yesterday morning and she got a good report.


For months now I have been working on a project to create a database of all policies for the Health System where I work. Yesterday morning we had a roll-out meeting and demonstration that did not go so well. I think people liked the site and the search function but they were not happy about some of the missing content-not my fault-these people had a lot of input at the meeting but no cooperation as I was building the site. They think we need more training opportunities for staff. So we have changed the roll out date and scheduled 3 training sessions, however the quality person responded that she felt we needed like 15 sessions and on all shifts. Thankfully, my boss the VP of Legal responded by saying that Legal could not do that much training. We have been on this project for far too long already.

That's all for now. Have a great day!

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