Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Last night I picked up Isabella from Camp Winnebago. When I got there her swim suit was under the table and she was missing a sock. Once in the car, as she was prone to last year, she sprays on some OFF bug spray-In the car!

At home Scott is complaining that the hardware store has all kinds of belts except for the one for our mower and his friend Brad has not called him back. Nothing I can do about either of them. Also complaining because him mom had called and asked when we were getting our trees trimmed or if we had choose a company based on the quotes that we had (no we haven't-I told Scott to "Just make a decision")

While making some fried potatoes for supper I hear some screamin/crying from the kid from upstairs so I fly up there thinking that she has hurt herself only to find out that the reason she was so upset is that Lady chewed up her flip flop-the dog loves her some shoes, usually mine!

After dinner Scott gave Lady a bath. Our dog is halarious when she gets done with a bath because she repeatedly pushes her nose on the ground in big circles. Bella and I think it is very funny. Scott was chiding us for making fun of the dog. Scott does not know what is funny!

This morning Bella and I are ready to leave for camp/work and we go upstairs to say good-bye to Scott who is still in bed and first he yells at Bella for bouncing into the bed and then for something else. I reminded him that this would be the only time all day he would see her and did he want all his interactions with his daughter to be so grumpy. It makes you want to leave the house without saying good-bye. Maybe we will try that tommorrow.

All this crabbyness is getting me down.

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