Thursday, April 9, 2009

Almost Easter

Well it is almost Easter and I am hosting dinner on Sunday at noon. I am pretty excited about this and have been busy practicing my napkin folding.

Bella who had been doing very well at school has come home two days in a row with a red for talking, giggling and getting out of her seat. She has no school tomorrow so I will work a half day and then spend the afternoon with her. We plan to go to Good Friday services at 3:00. Our house is still not as spotless as I would like it to be for Sunday so some work will have to be done there. Hopefully I will get some things done tonight.

Bella wanted to know if I thought the Easter Bunny could bring her the Taylor Swift CD, I actually considered it but no she is not getting it.

Scott took Lady to be groomed yesterday-she had gotten so shaggy! She looks so skinny now.

I weighted myself this morning and I gained a pound. I so need to start exercising. Maybe we can take a walk after dinner tonight.


1 comment:

littlesis said...

Going for a walk no matter how messy the house is is always a good idea. Even if you can only go around the block. Get out and moving is importtant. I know you and Bella love being outside. It may make it easyer to put her to bed tonight.