Friday, February 1, 2008


Here in Northern Illinois we woke up to several more inches of snowy white this morning, not enough to cancel school however. Its pretty and it is warmer here-26 degrees. Earlier this week we had wind chills that put us 35 degrees below zero so this is a heat wave. I don’t really mind the snow so much, I don’t like to drive in that much especially after Bella and I ended up in the ditch a couple years ago. What does bug me are people who don’t clean the snow off their cars. Here they are driving down the road with 5” of new snow on the car roof, hood and trunk, if you are lucky they have cleaned off the windshield and back window, but sometimes they have just cleared off a patch. How can these people see? How can that be safe? The snow on their car is now blowing off on to mine.

Speaking of safety yesterday driving to work I noticed that the lady in the front passenger side of the vehicle next to me was breast feeding. Babies in vehicles need to be secured in a car seat! It is the law! Can you imagine what would have happened if that vehicle had been in an accident? I don’t understand people who don’t care for their children more than that.

Today is WEAR RED DAY-Are you wearing red?-I am. This is sponsored by the American Heart Association to help raise women’s awareness of cardiovascular disease and empower women to reduce their risk.

Tomorrow is Ground Hog’s Day. Bella has been learning about this in kindergarten. She will tell you she is excited about Ground Hogs Day and doesn’t want him to see his shadow because that will mean spring is on the way. I asked her what was so great about spring and she said you can wear short sleeved shirts and short sleeved pants. She is so funny. They are having a Ground Hog Day ceremony at Klehm Arboretum tomorrow but it is at 10:45 and we don’t get done with Ice Skating until 10:30 so we could not make it.

I have a CD that has 100 reasons to lose 100 pounds. Reason #1 To Feel Good About yourself. I don’t feel really good about myself knowing how overweight I am, how hard it is to find clothes that look good and never wanting to put on a bathing suit.

I plan to list one of these reasons pretty regularly so check back to see.

Yesterday when I was talking about my health issues I forgot to mention one other thing and that is that I have the driest skin this side of the Mississippi! Last night I just itched everywhere. The amount of skin I have to cove all my fat is so much that I cannot imagine putting on enough lotion so I don’t.

Finally from my Focus Your Day-Talks about not being alone in your problems. I am sure that I am not alone as an obese, lack of energy, dry skin, incontinence, heart burn lack of faith person, but I sure wish I knew someone who was too.


littlesis said...


I am very worried about you these days! But I am not sure what to say or do to help you out. If you think my coming down and hanging out with you one of these week end PLEASE let me know. And sometimes it is not always easy but sometime there are things that just have to be done for me as well as for you!


Melissa said...

Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog! And I have to say, I love scrapping on white paper too! In fact, my favorite background choices are white, black, and tan. They really make the photos pop!

And by the way, you are not alone. I, too, need to lose 100 lbs. I have lots of health related problems because of this too. Come join us over at my blog on Wednesdays. You can link to other women who are on this journey too!

Oh, and another thing. I used to live in Chicago, so I know what you are talking about with the weather! I used to get so frustrated with the people who would shovel their section of the street out and then put lawn chairs there so nobody else could use it!