Thursday, February 2, 2012


On the Morning of January 1st 2012 I stepped on the scale hoping to see a smaller number than the one that had greeted me in the past and saw instead an even 200 pounds. Not what I wanted to see. On the Morning of February 1st 2012 I again stepped on the scale with the same hope and was greeted by 201 pounds. Yippee I gained a pound in the month of January even though I basically worked out for a hour a day 6 days a week and sometimes swimming on Sunday. It is obvious that weight loss cannot be achieved by increasing physical activity alone. I know I must also watch my diet. I just have such a difficult time with cravings and then taking the steps to satisfy those with whatever it is I think I cannot live without wether it is chips, dessert, pop or meals out. Giving in to those cravings have made me fat! I need to find a way to stop it.

Obese girl out

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hear ya.... I have started walking again and yoga and yep step on the scale and my numbers go up!!

Keep at it..