Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Overeating generally refers to the long-term consumption of excess food in relation to the energy that an organism expends leading to weight gain and often obesity. It may be regarded as an eating disorder.
This term may also be used to refer to specific episodes of over-consumption. For example, many people overeat during festivities or while on holiday.
Overeating can sometimes be a symptom of binge eating disorder or bulimia.

I have never ever thought of myself as an overeater. No wonder I have had such a hard time understanding how I got so fat!

I guess I have always considered overeating as binge eating-situations where you eat large quantities of unhealthy food quickly. I would like to think that maybe I am not a binge eater, but hey I can eat an entire bag of potato chips in one sitting. I am not a huge sweet craver but I like salty things and more often than not I am craving these things when I an either stressed, bored, mad or unhappy. I find ways to justify this behavior. I really hide this behavior. I eat in the car or after my husband and child go to bed.

I have been reading the book The End of Overeating and I am finding it really interesting.

I find lately that I am not motivated to do much of anything. How can I be this unhappy with my weight but refuse to do something about it?

Obese Girl out

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