Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today as we all know is election day. I have already been to vote at our local library. I asked my husband when he was going to go vote and he said he did not know if he was going to go vote. I am amazed at the number of people who are willing to give up this right. What other rights do we have as Americans are we so willing to give up? The answer is none. There are people all over the world that are longing for the right to elect the leader of their country. My friend J also told me on Sunday that she did not think she would vote because she did not care who wins. How can you not care who will govern our country for the next 4 years? Last weekend when I was home my SIL stated that "this country is just not ready for a black president" Why not? and if not what will it take for us to be ready? (please note that my SIL lives in a very rural part of WI where there are no black people). Lets say you don't think your presidential vote this year matters (Obama/Biden will win in IL after all) Are there not other issues you should be concerned with? Representatives?, Judges, Coroner and the question on whether we need a constitutional convention in IL or the referendum on carrying a concealed weapon in IL. Finally I would like to remember all the women who worked so hard years ago to give me, a woman the right to vote. When we as women choose not to vote doesn't that insult those who worked so hard to get the right for us?

I have bible study tonight so I will miss alot of the earlier coverage, It should be an interesting night.

As always Proud to be an American!

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