Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5 Years Ago

Five years ago today Scott and I were driven to the Boyarka baby house in Ukraine to meet for the very first time a 15 month old blue eyed beauty that was destined to be our daughter. We were in the Doctors office when someone brought her in. She was wearing a pair of gold colored courdory overalls and a red shirt. She was tiny and I think a little scared. They handed her to me. Since I was taking notes on her medical history I passed her off to Scott. Later they asked if we had any questioned and I asked if she walked and they told us to put her down and away she went after that piece of ribbon under the doctors desk. Our initial meeting was short. They took her back to her groupa and we were asked "Do you like her?" "Do you want her?" obviously we said yes!

Oh how time flies! It have been a very interesting ride this being a mom. I know that sometimes I fail to be the best mom this little Ukrainian orphan could ever have but I also know that she is without a doubt mine and I am hers and together we forge ahead at being the best mother/daughter duo we can be. I have learned so much from my daughter and I hope she has learned much from me as well.

Can I imagine a life without her? yes! Do I ever want to? NO!

Here's to you my little princess on the anniversary of the day we met.

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