Monday, May 2, 2011


The weekend was incredibly busy. On Friday night we went to Panera for dinner. I had the thai chopped salad, it was good but spicy, we got paint for the porch floor and 2 new pairs of jeans for the skinny kid. I worked on the porch trying to get it clean. Mostly I moved stuff to the basement. I now need to work down there. My goal is to do a little each night. Saturday I was up early and got cleaning again. I polished all the wood floors on my hands and knees, vaccumed, did laundry cleaned the bathrooms etc. busy, busy, busy. around one we went to culvers for a salad and then to the grocery store for a few things. Back home I made cupcakes, potato salad and pasta salad. The porch is almost clean. I wish Scott would have helped me more with stuff. Sunday again up early and it was sunny. Finished moving stuff from the sun porch to the garage, frosted cup cakes, dipped strawberries set up the table. We had 20 people for lunch (mom and carl forgot to bring the table and chairs and had to return home to get them) Aunt Norma got lost a couple of times and Sonya and family (bringing the punch bowl) were late. Lunch was good I think everyone had enough to eat. Bella changed and opened her gifts. Then it was a mad dash to get dressed and to church only to have to wait until the baptisms were done to get in. Bella did great, we are so proud of her. My eating was not great as I had a sandwich, potato salad, pasta salad and a cupcake all with loads of carbs. Doing a little better today. My weight was 195 pounds. I really want to get below 190 in the month of May. Today I have been really hungry for chicken strips not sure where a craving like that comes from. We are busy tonight with dance class.

Obese girl out

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