Friday, June 4, 2010

Unable to start


I have not written on here in a couple of weeks. The scale at monday's weigh in was 221.5 again! I read a lot of weight loss blogs, I read books, magazine and newspaper articles. I know what good nutrition is and I know how to exercise-I have even done it on occassion but certainly not recently. I want to lose weight, I know what the benefits of that would be, but I seem unable to start. I tell myself "Monday you will start exercising" then Monday rolls around and I shut the alarm off and stay in bed. I eat a healthy breakfast and then pack a healthy lunch but when lunch time rolls around I go out to eat or to the cafeteria or just get a bag of chips from the grocery store. I CAN NOT CONTINUE LIKE THIS! I have to tell you I seem to be Unable to start and that means anything. If the road to hell is really paved with good intentions I am well on my way and maybe even close to the destination. I can I been a smart, educated person but have to ambitioun to do anything for myself, for my health, for my well being. I don't have motivation to keep the house clean or to sew or scrapbook or garden. All I do is sleep, sit on the couch and watch TV, read and EAT. What kind of roll model am I to my daughter? How did I get this way? Believe me I have asked myself this question many, many times and I just DON'T have the answer. I am not looking for a miracle I am just looking for a start. HELP.

Obese girl out

1 comment:

Michele said...

Hello!! Can you hear me!! I am here to support you!!!

Found your blog through the Blogroll. Hope you come back soon. We are all in this journey to better health together through our blogs. Michele