Monday, January 14, 2008


Well we are almost to the middle of January already and this is my first post in 2008. I find myself with a lot to say and no time to really write. I did get the new Tae bo workout tapes I wanted for Christmas but due to all the excuses I have ( I won't go into detail) I haven't tried them. I planned to do it this morning but set the alarm for PM insead of AM so I did not get up in time. I did NOT reach my goal of being less than 200 pounds by the end of 2007. I got down to 204.5 which is better than 213.5 which is where I was on October 1st. I have made great strides in keeping my house cleaner the past 2 weeks, as this was another goal for 2008. The hard part is harping on Scott and Bella to pick up after themselves. If we picked up and put away on a continous bases the house is not messy and last Thursday I swept and mopped and vaccumed the whole house top to bottom in about 45 min. I am getting this into a routine. I sure feel better when the house is clean and I feel more motivated to do other things like scrapbook or read or enjoy a bubble bath.

At work the new employee did not show up and when we finally got a hold of her she stated that she sent us a letter saying she was not coming but we never got it. We are back to the drawing board on this and until then the policy project continues to be mine. Yeah!

The best news of course is that the Packers one their playoff game Saturday and Dallas lost which means the Packers need to beat the Giants in Green Bay to make it to the Super Bowl. Go Green Bay!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you are back..Sounds like you have been busy!! Thanks for the birthday wishes