Thursday, December 6, 2007


Today is St. Nicholas Day. We had Bella put out the little Ukraine shoes she came home in and we put staw in them for St. Nicholas' horse. This morning she has a candy cane, some chocolate gold coins and a santa ornament. She is also getting a small nativity of her own. Hopefully she will leave mine alone. I left out her little tree and the box of Ukrainian ornaments.

Our little princess is having a very hard time a school. Her teacher called me at work the other day to report that Bella had said a bad word "dammit". The teacher did not hear her say it but the other kids did. She is being disruptive by talking and getting out of her seat. The teacher said she is smart and knows the rules and consequences but she continues to "make poor chooices". Her teacher stated that Time outs do not work with Bella. I was also told that things are worse when she is with Alida, another child in her class. We are now on the daily note thing. I feel bad for Bella and I feel like I somehow failed her. I did ask the teacher if she felt we were at the point of changing classrooms or even schools and she said no. The teacher asked how she was at home but she is an only child so she is only interacting with adults at home. She does go to story time and swim lessons, and honestly there are times when she doesn't listen or sit still at story time. I however am at a real loss of what to do. When the note home is Un-happy faces there will be no TV. We will work instead on worksheets trying to get Bella to focus on a task, sit still and not talk. We will see how it goes. The teacher did not have any suggestions for us. I am a little disappointed by this in that she has been teaching kindergarten for years and I have only been a mom for four years so you would think that she might have some suggestion. We sure hope we can find a way to help her. We do ask her to not sit or play with Alida, but I don't like doing that.

I am still exercising regularly. I did start a new Tae bo tape on the first and I like this one as it has some different routines. When I was out shopping last Saturday I found the Tae Bo ammped set at Lines and Things and I asked for that for Christmas. I also asked for a new purse and some new towels for my downstairs bathroom. I think I will have to get the basement organized so there is space to exercise down there as the sun porch is getting very very cold.

Yesterday Scott went shopping and got Bella's present from Santa. She is getting a doll house. I think she will love it!

We have our tree up and some of the other decorations, I will try to get the rest this weekend. This weekend is the Holiday Traditions at Midway Village. Bella and I plan to go. Sunday is Cookie day at my brothers. I hope the weather stays good or else I am not going.

Last weekend we had snow here. It started out as nice fluffy snow but then turned to slop and rain. We went to Tinker Swiss Cottage for the Christmas Event but all we got was a tour, It was pretty. After the museum we went to lunch at Granite City which is a new place here. It was actually nice. This is the first time we have really taken Bella out to eat since the incident in October. We plan on going out this coming Monday as well for Scott's Birthday.

Happy belated 40th birthday to my sister. I hope the next 40 are terrific!


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