Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Home again, Home again jiggety jig

The word is that we will be moving home this weekend. It has been a long time coming. I am grateful for a husband who partnered with me during this unforseen turn of events in our lives.

A lot of folks have stated that "It will be like moving into a brand new house" and they are right it will be. I am looking forward to emptying the boxes and rediscovering our things, putting them away, paring down (I know we have too much stuff) but what I am really looking forward to is sleeping in my own bed, getting Bella on a real sleeping schedule with a bedtime routine, making meals that require an oven and just the relief of being home.

My friends at work have been extremely supportive everyday and for that I am also thankful. I am hoping to have a re-house warming party in a few weeks.

I am also looking forward to getting back to exercising and watching what I eat. I am not looking forward to getting on the scale. I guess the only plan of action can be to accept the number that shows up and go on from there.

The one thing I am not looking forward to is Scott's Mom coming home in March. I just don't want that woman tainting my new home. I still have not found a way to forgive her for her comment about my dad and her overall "poor me" attitude accompanied by the fact that she has failed to give me credit for trying to get a long with Carl for the past 5 years.

Obese girl out

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