Monday, January 19, 2009


How is it that it is already half way through January and I have accomplished nothing?

I signed up for another session of ww but not sure why as I am not committed to the program.

I have not been exercising and I could give you a whole list of reasons but I won't.

I had another Dr. appointment and my cholesterol was even highter so now I am on Lipitor.

our bathroom re-model is taking forever.

It is COLD here in Illinois.

Problems continue with my child's behavior.

I went to all day scrap and I did not get that much done because I was unorganized and unprepared.

I am eating a lot of potato chips

I spent most of this last weekend cleaning our sun porch and basement, both are disasters. We have too much stuff! I want to just rent a dumpster and fill it up.

I am very busy at work with a couple of projects.

I am frustrated, depressed, obese, lonely, sad and pathetic. I have so much good in my life but I cannot see it at times because it is masked by other emotions.

I have weigh in today and we have a counseling appointment on Friday. I had intended to go to Bella's school and observe this week but with no school today for MLK day and no school Thur and Friday last week, I was not able to arrange days with the teacher. We will see. I believe my husband is a reluctant participant in the counseling and sometimes even in our lives and I do not know what to do about that.

One of my co-workers Husband out of the blue asked her for a divorce and my other co-worker is pregnant with her second child (she had a miscarriage last year.)

My husband thinks we should go to church but when the form for counseling ask if we were religious he said no. I guess I think we are religious. I may not be faithful, but I am not faithless.

We looked at taking a vacation to AZ during spring break but decided we probably could not afford to, we may spend a few days in Milwaukee.

We need a new computer at home or else I will have to do our taxes by hand again as I cannot add turbo tax to our old computer as it does not have enough memory.

I am overwhelmed!

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