Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Bell and our new puppy
re·ju·venate (ri jo̵̅o̅′və nāt′) transitive verb -·nat′·ed, -·nat′·ing

to make feel or seem young again; bring back to youthful strength, appearance, etc.
to make seem new or fresh again


I will be leaving for vacation on Saturday. I am also off work on Friday to celebrate with our Princess as she turns 6. Friday I will also be going to the eye doctor as I have been having some real vision problems as of late.

We will spend a week staying in cabins in Tomahawk, WI with my two sisters and their families and my brother and my dad. My mom use to come on these vacations but is now on Dialysis 4 times a week and is unable to make the trip. We will sleep in, ride bikes, play in the lake and relax around the camp fire in the evenings. I am hoping to do some scrapbooking as well. While we are on vacation Scott and I will celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary-I hope it is better than last year. I will hopefully have time to rejuvenate my body and my mind. Once we get back I have a counseling appointment and a physical and mammogram scheduled. Hopefully I will have an answer as to why I am so tired all the time. I am a little afraid of what the answer might be but know I must forge ahead. I know in my head and my heart that I would feel better if I could just lose some weight! I seem to be immobilized on this issue right now. Emotionally I am drained. I feel like an utter failure on all levels: as a mom, as a wife, as a housekeeper, as an employee and as a friend. Some recent incidents with friends are really weighting heavy on my heart. My feelings are hurt! I feel friendless! I am unhappy! I really feel that Happiness is our own responsibility. My weight is my own responsibility and life is about choices. It seems that I have inevitable made some poor choices both health wise in the areas of food and exercise and in friends.

The cheeriest thing I have to say is that on vacation we will be near Stevens Point (where I went to college) and I will hopefully hook up with my friend Joe who I have not seen in a long time. It should be fun to catch up.

Once we get back from vacation we will be gearing up for the start of the School year for Bella. I only hope she has the greatest teacher in the whole world!

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