Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Month

A new month means it is time for a weight check. I got on the scale this morning and the reading was 198.4 which means I am down about three pounds from my weight on February 1. It is certainly a step in the right direction. I did go to the Y fairly regularly in February and just recently started riding a different exercise bike because the posturing is more like my real bike and I need to get ready for the diabetes ride in May.

For lent I gave up pop and chips. These are both hard for me as I use to use pop to satisfy my cravings for sweet. It is not too back on a daily basis but going out to eat is harder. 7 days down 33 more to go right. I am trying to stay away from candy and desserts too. I know it is a lot to control but it will be good for me.

Next week I will start the Eat Right For Life Wellness Challenge at work I will write about that as we go.

When I look at my happiness goals for February I did not do too well. I think I was too ambitious.

In March I plan to use a new Laundry plan
Try my yoga DVD
Continue with my scrapbook goal of 366 for 2012.
Keep the dining room table clear.

I will work on a few other things as well but those are the goals

Last week Bella and I went to the JC Penny outlet so I could look for a new swim suit as the one I have is a couple years old, fadded and stretched and I was not comfortable wearing it. I bought 2 new tank suits one is a 16W and one an 18W both are smaller that the 22 suit I am getting rid of. I would be lying if I said I look good in them but I do feel more comfortable when at the pool and we know the kid loves to swim. Scott's comment however was "you could see you from outer space in that suit" refering to the color which I don't feel are that bright but you stuff all my fat into it and maybe you can be seen from outer space. Who knows and who cares! I think that a "honey I am glad you found a suit you liked" and "good for you for fitting in a smaller size" but that would be wishful thinking wouldn't it.

Happy March-not sure if this is lion or lamb weather.

Obese girl out.

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